Application forms

Application forms

If, for example, you want to start another programme and have already completed courses included in the new programme, or if you have equivalent knowledge, you can apply for admission to a later part of a programme.

If you cannot log in, you can instead download the form and send it to

You must submit the following documents  with your application for admission to a later part of a programme as they form the basis for the decision:

–  certified Ladok excerpt, or course certificate.
syllabus and literature list for each course.

– if you apply for credit of international studies, you should also attach a description of the foreign education system.

In order for BTH to be able to determine whether you are liable to tuition fee or not, you must also attach a Personal certificate for studies (ordered through the Swedish Tax Agency). If you are a student at BTH, you do not need to attach a personal certificate for studies.

Decisions on admission to a later part of programs are based on the possibility of crediting previous studies as well as available resources for the education in question.

The following programmes do not admit to later part of the programme: Bachelor of Nursing Science and Master’s Programme in Strategic Leadership towards Sustainability.

Read more in BTH’s study administrative rules.

If something unexpected has happened that prevents you from starting your education, such as illness or other special reasons, you can apply for a deferment of your studies. Reasons for deferment must be clearly stated and confirmed with a certificate (eg. medical statement)

If you cannot log in, you can instead download the form and send it to Please note if you are required to pay tuition fees you must pay the first installment of tuition in order for your application to be assessed.

Read more about special reasons for deferment in BTH’s study administrative rules.

If the application is approved, you will be given priority the next time you apply. Remember that you must apply for the education again even if you have been granted a deferment of your studies.

If you temporarily wish to leave from studies, but still intend to complete your education, you can apply for Leave from studies.

Read more about special reasons for leave from studies in BTH’s study administrative rules.

When you return to your studies on the programme from which you were approved leave, you should contact the programme manager. You have the right to resume your studies only if the programme is being offered in the semester in question.

NB! BTH cannot guarantee that the courses you missed during your leave will be offered again.

If you are registered and have started a programme but do not intend to complete it, you can withdraw from studies. If you withdraw from studies, it means that you must reapply to be admitted again via if you wish to resume your studies.

Use Ladok for students to notify us that you will not complete your studies on a course.

Use the form Termination of studies to notify us that you will not complete your studies on a programme or a course package.

Read more in BTH’s study administrative rules.

You can request a tuition fee refund under certain conditions. It is important that you read our Conditions regarding tuition fees and scholarships before you apply. A refund is always made to the account from which the payment was made.

You can apply for crediting of studies if you have previously completed a whole course or part of a course that you want to transfer to your current studies. This applies both to studies in Sweden and abroad.

Read more in BTH’s Study administrative rules and Credit transfer regulations.

Students who are admitted and registered at BTH may apply for validation to credit their previous learning.

Validation is an in-depth assessment and recognition of knowledge that a student has acquired through such as education or professional experience.

In the application for validation for credit transfer, the student must describe his/her knowledge in relation to the learning objectives in the specific course he/she wishes to be credited.

Please read the information about Validation for crediting of prior learning before you apply.

Apply for Validation for crediting of prior learning here.

You can re-register for a course in Ladok for students yourself during the registration period and avoid waiting time. During 2024/2025, work is ongoing in Ladok that prevents you from re-registering yourself for certain courses. Please note that if you are a fee-paying student, you cannot re-register in Ladok must apply (see the instructions below).

If you cannot find an option to re-register in Ladok for students, you can apply using the form Course re-registration.

A re-registration is needed if you did not complete the course in the first instance. If the course is offered again at a later instance, you have the option to re-register on that instance to complete the course.

When re-registered, you will get access to the course in Canvas for the coming instance. If there is a problem with Canvas, please contact the course manager who can add you manually to the course.

If you missed the registration period or if you were unqualified to attend a course but now meet the prerequisites, you can apply for First-time course registration.

Before applying, check when the course is given next time. You can get help through the Programme overview.

Students who for some reason are unable to complete their regular programme, have the opportunity to apply for an Adapted programme syllabus (Anpassad utbildningsplan – AUP) with the aim of obtaining the degree. For more information you can read the Guidelines för adapted programme syllabuses.

Use this form to request a certificate for delayed studies and/or thesis work (degree project). The certificate contains information that the Migration agency may ask for when a student applies for a prolongation of the residence permit for studies.

BTH might need up to 15 workdays to make a certificate for you. Please do not ask for more than one certificate in one semester.

If you have any questions about your certificate, you can answer the e-mail that you got when you sent in the request. Make sure to leave your entire case number in the header, including the brackets [].

Apply for degree certificate in Ladok for students. Once you have logged in, select “Degrees and certificates” in the menu. Further information and instructions can be found in the application form.


Digital degree certificate
The degree certificate is digital, you will not receive a physical paper copy of the certificate. The degree certificate is issued as a PDF-document with an electronic stamp. The E-stamp means that the document cannot be changed after it has been downloaded from Ladok. The document can be verified by uploading it to Ladok’s verification page. More information on how the document can be verified can be found on the last page of the degree certificate.

You will receive an e-mail when the degree certificate is issued and ready for you to retrieve.

The e-mail will be sent to the e-mail address registered in Ladok.


Share your certificate
When you have an issued degree in Ladok, you can share information about the degree with, for example,  a potential employer. When you share your degree, you will receive a control code and a link to a web site where information on your degree will be shown.

In Ladok for students, select “Degrees and certificates”.


Diploma Supplement
In your degree certificate there is a Diploma Supplement. This describes the contents of the degree and its placement within the framework of the Swedish education system, which facilitates recognition of a Swedish degree for employment purposes or for continued studies in Sweden or abroad. The Diploma Supplement is issued in English.


If you have any questions, please contact


If you want a course certificate for a course you can apply here.

In case of work injury, incident, discrimination, victimisation etc., report incident.​

Apply like this

  • Log in with your BTH student account.
  • You can change language on the application form. Click on your initials in the upper right corner and select your preferred language.
  • Select a form under Student Services.

Once you have submitted your application, you will receive a receipt to the email address you provided. Your case number will be in the title of  the receipt. It is a confirmation that your application has been received and is being processed.

If you do not have a BTH student account or if your account does not work, please contact the Reception.


What happens with my application?

If your application needs to be supplemented, you will receive a notification via e-mail and you then have three weeks to respond, after which the application will be rejected. Information regarding the status of your application can be seen by logging in to

Decisions and decision times

Decisions are made at the Academic and Administration Support Office or at a Department.
The decision time for a case varies depending on the type of case.

For re-registration on a course, the processing time in most cases is about 1-3 weeks. For the application for a degree certificate, the processing time is about 4-5 weeks, provided that your application is complete. Credit transfer decisions usually take longer.

During certain times of the year such as the start of the semester, summer and Christmas and New Year, the time for decision may take longer.

Questions about your application

You can respond to your receipt acknowledgment if you have questions about your application, be sure to leave your entire case number in the title, including the square brackets [ ]. The case number is in the format [#ID:SR-00xxxx#].

Please note that you should not submit a new application for the same case.