Course and programme evaluation

Course and programme evaluation

All courses at BTH are evaluated on completion.

At the end of each course, you will receive an email link to a course evaluation. The link is also available in Canvas > Kursvärdering-Enkät. The evaluation gives you the opportunity to write what you think was good and what can be improved for the next course.

It is important that you feel that the focus of your studies at BTH is on your own learning. Therefore, use the opportunity to respond to the course evaluation. We also encourage free text comments where you can clarify your answers in your own words.

Your experiences and views on your education are very important to BTH as they allow us to ensure that we give our students good conditions and opportunities to learn for the future.

Result of course evaluations

Course evaluations carried out until spring term 2022 are available through

Results from student surveys

The student survey regarding the transition to distance education

The student survey regarding the transition to distance education was completed on April 20th. Result and analysis are available now. The response rate was 33%.  We would like to thank everyone who answered the questionnaire!

Summary and analysis student survey (pdf)