Scholarship for Erasmus+ Internship

Scholarship for Erasmus+ Internship

The scholarship is based on the country in which the internship is conducted and on the number of days you practice on site in the host country. Note that you are only entitled to an Erasmus scholarship for the days you practice physically on site in the host country. Days you practice remotely from a country other than the host country, do not qualify for a scholarship. The amounts are determined by the University and College Council (UHR).

The scholarship payment is made in two installments

  • The first payment is made at the beginning of your internship, provided you have submitted a signed Learning Agreement, a signed Grant Agreement and a Certificate of attendance. This payment corresponds to 80 percent of your total scholarship (which is based on the planned number of days of the internship).
  • The remaining amount is paid after you have completed the internship and submitted the final documentation. It is possible that the final total amount will be adjusted, based on whether there have been any changes in the length of the internship.

Scholarship payments are made after all documents have been received and it takes about 3 weeks to process the payment.

Supplement for Erasmus interns with children

Students who have minor children and are participating in an Erasmus internship can receive an extra top-up in addition to the regular scholarship amount, regardless of whether the child accompanies during the internship abroad or not.

  • Internships lasting for 60-360 days: Top-up of 250 euros per month

You need to submit formal documentation (for example birth certificate or similar) to the international coordinator that proves you have children.

Students who have minor children and participate in an Erasmus internship and where additional costs due to this are higher than what a top-up can cover, can apply for grants for up to 100 percent coverage of the additional costs. Contact the Erasmus team at the International Office as early as possible for more information on how to do the application:

Support for Erasmus students with disabilities

Students who participate in an Erasmus internship and have a permanent or long-term disability, including disability caused by physical or mental illness, receive an extra top-up in addition to the regular scholarship amount.

Establish contact with the coordinator for students with disabilities,

  • Internships lasting for 60-360 days: Top-up of 250 euros per month

If, in connection with the internship, there are additional costs linked to the intern’s disability that exceed what a top-up can cover, it is possible to apply for grants for up to 100 percent coverage of the additional costs. Additional costs mean the increased costs that the intern has that are not financed in other ways, for example transport, accommodation, assistant/companion or medical follow-up in the host country.

Interns who wish to apply for funds to cover actual costs due to their disability should contact the responsible international coordinator in good time for more information on how to apply:

Green travel

Sustainability is one of four focus areas in the Erasmus program 2021–2027. You can apply for a so-called top-up for green travel, a one-off amount of 50 euros that is awarded to participants in the program who travel in an environmentally friendly way to and from the host country. For example, you can travel by train, bus or carpool (at least two people) and both the return trip must be green. You can also get funding for up to two travel days before and two travel days after the study abroad if needed. If you have questions about whether your mode of transport can count as green travel, email

Criteria for top-up for green travel:

  • You must travel in an environmentally friendly way to and from your host country, for example by train (copy of tickets), bus (copy of tickets) or carpool – at least two people (copy of gas receipt, rental car, and information on how many shared the car journey). Please note that travelling by boat does not count as green travel.
  • If the trip takes 2 days, then we need a copy of accommodation for one night.
  • After the mobility ends, you must submit a copy of receipts (tickets) that prove that you have traveled round trip to the host country in an environmentally friendly way.
  • Travel days are only granted for travel before the start date and after the end date stated in your Certificate of Attendance.
  • Granted travel days are not counted as part of the mobility period, i.e. cannot be counted as part of the minimum of 60 days at the internship, that is required in order to keep the scholarship.

Read more about green sustainability at