Erasmus+ Studies


Erasmus + is an EU-funded programme that promotes international cooperation within education, youth and sport. The programme offers students at undergraduate or graduate level opportunities for financial support for a study period of 3–12 months and/or a traineeship for 2–12 months. In order to be able to apply for Erasmus studies or an Erasmus traineeship, students have to be enrolled in an institution of higher education in Sweden at the time of application. Erasmus studies will be carried out before the final exam is taken. Students applying for the Erasmus traineeship are able to participate in the traineeship even after the graduation, but they have to apply for an Erasmus traineeship while they are still registered students.

To be eligible for the Erasmus + exchange, you must be a registered full-time student at BTH and have at least 60 ECTS credits completed. For an Erasmus traineeship: in addition to being a full-time student at BTH, you have to be registered on the C or D level.

Erasmus+ Studies

As an Erasmus student, you study at a university in another European country for 3–12 months, without paying a tuition fee. For the Erasmus studies mobility period you will be given full academic recognition for satisfactorily completed activities as agreed in the Learning Agreement. The Learning Agreement with your course choices has to be approved and signed by your programme manager and the international coordinator at BTH before departure.
Scholarship: EUR 315–375 / month (different scholarships for different countries).

Application deadline

February 15

Second application for remaining places: September 15

Application (only for registered students)

Your application should include the following documents:

  • Official transcript of records
  • Statement of purpose
  • Curriculum vitae (including information about your language skills)

To be eligible to apply for exchange studies through our bilateral agreements, you have to be a full-time registered BTH student and have passed at least 60 or 90 ECTS credits at BTH depending on the agreement. In order to apply for exchange studies within bilateral agreements you have to submit all required documents to the International Exchange before the deadline.

Send your application through the database MoveOn

  • Log in with your student account
  • Choose Application Form Erasmus+

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