Doctoral course archive and course evaluations
Course archive and course evaluations
Here you can find information about past doctoral courses that have been given at BTH. The purpose is that you have access to past course syllabi should you wish for a course to be given again or adapted into an individual study course by your supervisors or examiner.
All doctoral students have the right to be given the opportunity to present views in the form of a course evaluation of the course they have completed. These evaluations are published here.
Archived courses
Computer Vision by Learning, 7,5 ECTS
Industry-Academia Co-production, 3 ECTS
Innovation and entrepreneurship with research perspective part 1 and 2, 2 + 2 ECTS
Modeling Simulation and Optimization in the Engineering Product Development Process, 5 ECTS
Modern Methods of Statistical Analysis and Estimation, 7,5 ECTS
Philosophy and Methodology of Applied Sciences, 7,5 ECTS
Reading and Reviewing Research Papers, 5 ECTS
Research Ethics in Computing and Engineering, 3 ECTS
Course evaluations
The following doctoral courses have performed course evaluations.
Innovation and Entrepreneurship, 4 ECTS
Introduction to Research Education, 3 ECTS
Personal Task Management in Academia, 3 ECTS